

How to ask for help
Anxiety, Depression, Personal Development, Psychology, Relationships, Stress

How to ask for help

Do you find it difficult to ask for help? Even more so when it comes to needing help with your mental health and emotional wellbeing? I still do, even with […]

  • calender May 4, 2020 |
  • danielle
Loneliness as a mental health risk factor
Anxiety, Depression, Health, Relationships

Loneliness as a mental health risk factor

How is loneliness affecting your mental health? 5.6 million Australians report feeling lonely on a regular basis – that’s 1 in 4 of us. 66% of people seek friendship as […]

  • calender May 14, 2018 |
  • danielle
The 5 Love Languages
Family, Growth, Love, Personal Development, Positivity, Psychology, Relationships

The 5 Love Languages

The Ethnologue catalogue of world languages currently lists almost 7000 living languages in the world. It’s not surprising that we might struggle to communicate with others that speak a different […]

  • calender February 13, 2018 |
  • danielle