For those of us with trauma histories this is a hugely triggering time. If we have ever experienced home as an unsafe place, being in lockdown at home can bring […]
We’re three weeks into the new year and I wonder how your new year’s resolutions are progressing? This is often the time when people get wobbly, if they haven’t already […]
Some of you have probably heard the old adage that ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ and, at times, you’ve possibly even applied this to yourself when […]
How is loneliness affecting your mental health? 5.6 million Australians report feeling lonely on a regular basis – that’s 1 in 4 of us. 66% of people seek friendship as […]
Clinical depression is an illness, a medical condition. It significantly affects the way someone feels, causing a persistent lowering of mood. Depression is often accompanied by a range of other […]
It’s normal for children to be defiant or impulsive from time to time and throw the occasional temper tantrum. Children and adolescents experience many challenges as they grow and their […]
Bullying involves misusing superior strength or power to intimidate or coerce over time, and typically causes physical or psychological harm. It can happen online (cyber bullying) or in-person, and can […]
Trauma is a kind of psychological injury that follows a significantly distressing event or experience. It involves difficulties in coping and can impair your everyday functioning. For most that experience […]
Worry and stress are normal parts of life. It’s a typical response to pressured situations – maybe a big presentation at work or university, an upcoming deadline, or you might […]